So it was with pleasure that I found this article about future hotel development in Baghdad. As I've mentioned in previous posts, real-estate prices and speculation is evidence of the upward trend in the quality of life among Iraqis. Amazingly, it seems that Iraq is the only country in the Middle East where the future is contemplated on and to which people have set their sights. The most interesting nugget in the article reveals:
Another plan is to turn Saddam Hussein's former palaces at his home town of Tikrit into a themed tourist destination. The complex, which contains 18 palaces and 118 other buildings, is surrounded by rolling gardens overlooking the Tigris.
Mohammed Abbas, a regional official, said: "Ordinary Iraqis were never allowed into these palaces. It will be an opportunity for them to see how their money was spent. International visitors will also be able to see the kind of lifestyle Saddam enjoyed."
I really couldn't think of a better use for his palaces. Just as the French have preserved the palace of Versailles and the Soviets their Romanov Palaces in St. Petersburg, it's only fitting to maintain Saddam's legacy of architectural megalomania. I look forward to learning all about Saddam while going down the water slide on my eventual trip to Baghdad someday...
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